Some of the most common venomous snake encounters in Sarasota, Pasco, Pinellas & Hillsborough County area are Rattlesnakes, Water Moccasins, and Pigmy Rattlesnakes. They can be found nesting around pool pumps, outside A/C units, decks, under sheds and areas that any wooded. Venomous snakes will normally stand there ground so if you happen to stumble across one they will normally give you a warning that they are there by rattling their tail. When you come across one of these venomous guys for your safety and proper relocation, Don’t Hesitate Call A-Team Today
Most of our non-venomous snakes can still be just as dangerous around your home as venomous ones. All non-venomous snakes will still strike and bite you if you get to close or if they feel threatened in any way. They will hide in a lot of the same areas as venomous snakes do but because they can be smaller in size with a lot of the species they will hide within your flower beds, your mulched areas in your yard and even in your garden hose box.
So if you are seeing these sleek shiny reptiles in or around your home in the Tri County Pasco, Hillsborough or Pinellas areas you need to call A-Team Trappers to come out and handle them with the proper care and respect those reptiles deserve.