How to Keep Birds Out of Your Attic
As many Fort Myers residents know, we have a bevy of wildlife in our area, including numerous species of birds. When hiking or going on a bike ride, it’s wonderful to hear the sweet song of a blue jay or any number of birds that inhabit our area. Where you do not want to hear that song is in your attic. That sweet tune can turn into a health risk instantly. Bird feces carry numerous diseases, including encephalitis. Also, birds attract mites, which can be a biting nuisance for pets and humans. If you already have a bird in your attic, call a company that specializes in wildlife removal in Fort Myers, FL immediately. Even if you don’t, it’s wise to invest time and money into measures that prevent birds from entering your home.
To prevent birds from getting into your home, you must first examine your home for entry points. Birds are looking for safe, warm places to nest. Given the fact that their habitat has likely been removed because of land development, your attic is a perfect fit. Look for cracked windows, spaces under roof eaves and open vents. Also, pay close attention to easily accessible windows, such as the ones found in attics.
Once you have found these openings, close them. Wire mesh can be used for accessible windows and roof eaves. Caulk any open areas towards the top of your home. Use door strips to close spaces in doors and windows.
Oftentimes, birds find their way into your home because it’s close to something that they are drawn to. Trim trees that are close to the top of your home. Remove standing water that has bugs that birds feed on. Clean up fruits and nuts that have fallen to the ground. Keep lids on garbage cans.
It may sound counterproductive, but strategically placing a bird house away from your home can give birds another focal point. They will become comfortable around the bird house, leaving your home bird free.